Make the most of your team!

Employee Engagement

Let’s face it. Anyone can give your employees an engagement survey. But are you getting the quality feedback you need? At Synergist, our Industrial and Organizational Psychology team has updated the old surveys you may be familiar with. We will provide a web-based survey (and can work with you to provide a paper version, if your workforce requires that), and our team will analyze the results and provide feedback and recommendations. We can hold group meetings with employees, communicate our findings in coordination with you, and recommend follow-up steps.

– Who’s doing your exit interviews?

– Is it someone a departing employee is going to feel comfortable venting to?

More importantly, are you regularly conducting retention interviews? You know your star employees, the ones who have been with you and show no signs of leaving. So what makes them stay? Let us ask them! What makes your place special, and what can you foster for all employees to reduce your turnover and have more stars?