Entries by Jess Bunshaft

Keep religion out of the workplace!

I know, I know. That blanket headline sounds too black & white, but it’s nothing new to our clients. Personal beliefs, even ones deeply and sincerely held, even when shared with the desire to help others, don’t belong in a workplace. On a personal level, many will tell you they feel intimidated when others–especially their […]

Get ahead of the curve & take preventive steps now!

New York City May Require Businesses to Conduct Sexual Harassment Training Even if you’re not in NYC, take notice! Part of any good harassment prevention program is having the right policies and training. You add protection from a legal perspective, and these programs tell your employees that you’re serious about keeping them safe! Whether or […]

Time for new I-9 forms!

A new I-9 form has been released by US Citizenship & Immigration Services. You don’t have to start using it today, but soon… by September 18, 2017. For now, you can use the existing form, but you might as well get rolling with the new one. Download the form here: https://www.uscis.gov/i-9 And you can access […]

Coloring Outside the Lines, Part 2 – HR Adding Value

Part 2: Adding value So maybe I got you out to talk to staff you didn’t visit before. Now you may be thinking, “That’s all well and good. So I go talk to front-line staff and their managers, but how do I add value? How do I ‘color outside the lines’?” That comes from facilitating […]